Leasing a Horse

Rainbow Ridge is not only a Rental Stable, we lease horses to individuals so they can trail ride several times a week. Some riders lease horses so they can join us in competition such as Gymkhana, Team Penning, Team Sorting, Trail Trails and some other occasional events like poker, fun days on the ranch.

Leasing a horse can be a month to month deal or as some of our riders do they lease horses all year round. This is a great alternative to just going out and buying a horse or picking one up for free (there is no such thing as a free horse).

Many riders have an idea of the kind of horse they want until they spend time with that type of horse. With a lease you can change the horse trying many types of horses instead of being stuck with one horse.

Team Penning


Leasing a horse to Event.

Ever wanted to try a Gymkhana or chase a cow. Give it a try and you will find a new sport to tell and show all your friends and family.

Loving a Horse


Leasing a horse just to get to know.

There are many reasons to lease a horse but most of all being with your horse is best of all.

If you plan on coming out to ride only once or twice a month renting a horse maybe a better solution for you instead of spending more and not riding the horse as much as you had originally planned. Remember we are a Riding Stable and a Horse Rental Stable so you have many options to choose from and at Rainbow Ridge Ranch you are not committed to one solution, we always work with our riders to find what is best for all.

Call and ask us about leasing a horse.

Ask for Kathy and she will tell you everything you want to know.